• FlashBacks

    Stuff I remember from back in the day that I felt was worth writing down and chewing on for a spell.

    Partial Eclipse

    by  •  • FlashBacks, LifeStuff, Writings • 1 Comment

    I try to recall how I ended up dancing that distant dance those years with you Come pray with me you asked I will pray with you I replied And so we met plainly cordially quietly in the library and muttered wishing words asking for youthful and holy and grand and kind things and...

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    Mr. Mayhew

    by  •  • FlashBacks, People • 0 Comments

    It was decades ago that I left normal high school life and for a few periods each week, sat, broadly exposed, in a nearly empty classroom with three other students, trying to unravel the mysteries of advanced mathematics. Our teacher was a kind vagabond who chased a circuit around APS high schools. Mr. Mayhew...

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    In Memoriam: Margaret Ann Welton, 1945-2020

    by  •  • LifeStuff, People • 1 Comment

    Margaret Ann Welton was born to Bill and Marcena Welton on September 12, 1945, in Salina, Kansas. The youngest of three siblings, Margaret developed a keen sensitivity to the suffering of others early in her life, along with a strong desire to contribute to the compassion and justice found in the world. As a...

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    by  •  • FlashBacks, LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    A reminder popped up on my Facebook feed today that a distant friend of mine, one that, at one time, I was probably closest to in the world for several years, turned 52 today. He’s leading the way into the future for us. I looked over at his Facebook feed and saw a bunch...

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    Excerpt: June 6, 1994

    by  •  • FlashBacks, LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    Twenty five years ago, I and my middle school chum Glenn began our European jaunt with a short sail crossing a sea. With today being the 75th anniversary of the Normandy invasion in WWII, I figured it was as good as anything to post what I was doing over there 25 years ago. “We...

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    How to Read a Book

    by  •  • FlashBacks • 0 Comments

    Strangely enough, I have to say that when I attended seminary, my favorite class may have had nothing to do with doing the Lord’s work. It’s not that I did not like my other classes at Golden Gate (now Gateway) Seminary. The truth is, I loved my three years at that little school, living...

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    D.C. Reflections: The SAAM

    by  •  • FlashBacks • 0 Comments

    Last Sunday night when I dropped in on my folks and my Dad and I clicked back through my Facebook pictures for the last two years, when we hit the Washington D.C. photos, I was hit with a wave of emotion. Not only did we realize I had not shown all of my photos...

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    Mattern Horns

    by  •  • FlashBacks • 0 Comments

    Since the last few days have been about nostalgia, yesterday’s post ended up making me think about life in middle school, and what I remembered most from my mid school years. Because we moved across town when I was 9, I ended up attending junior high at Eisenhower Middle School- home of the Eisenhower...

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    Old Treasures

    by  •  • FlashBacks • 4 Comments

    Earlier this week, digging some old disks out of storage led Tim to break out some old Mac SE’s from storage as well. Seeing the SE’s, I went in my garage and found and pulled out the second Mac I owned- a PowerBook 1400/CS. Digging out those old computers made think about some other...

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    by  •  • FlashBacks • 0 Comments

    All I remember is climbing a tightly enclosed wood-walled staircase at one end of the building up a few floors, and then on the third floor at near the middle of the landing was a door and behind it was a room with two beds that accommodated the pitch of the roof so that...

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    Chris Jones*

    by  •  • People • 0 Comments

    In the summer after my 4th grade year of elementary school, my parents bought a home way out north in Albuquerque (at the time) and moved us to a street that was near the edge of town. The development was new enough that the land on the south side of the main road we...

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    Pages and Places, I

    by  •  • FlashBacks • 0 Comments

    It’s amazing how memories of a book that you read can become heavily associated with the place or places where you read it. I thought it’d be fun to make a short list of some of the books I’ve read that have strong ties to places and moments in my history and memory. “An...

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    Scott Pendleton

    by  •  • People • 11 Comments

    When I started high school, I was a kid in transition. I was growing at odd intervals. My acne ebbed and receded like waves on a beach. I was in a lot of activities, and I was pretty anonymous in all of them. And I was adrift socially (as I have often been since)....

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    The Beauty of Courage

    by  •  • FlashBacks • 0 Comments

    After finishing seminary, I had an opportunity to hop a plane and then ride trains all around western Europe for six weeks. One morning near the end of my journey, I was wandering a busy street in the center of Oxford, England, when I witnessed one of the most amazing and beautiful performances of...

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    Brent Cannedy

    by  •  • People • 0 Comments

    Anytime I hear a song by Chicago, and specifically from albums 16 or 17, I am carried back to my sophomore and junior years in high school.  I think this is in part because both albums had singles in heavy airplay as either new releases or recurrent singles during those years- Chicago was hot...

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