• Posts Tagged ‘discipline’

    Unplug Me, Please

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    I started off this Saturday with some positive, active, constructive plans, and the day began right with some eggs and potatoes and coffee. I read a chapter in a book I have been trying to get through- check. I looked forward to marking several other times off of my to-do list after that, and...

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    Priming the Pump

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    It’s been, for some reason, a tremendously slow reading year for me this year. It’s not because I don’t have books to read. I have a sizable stack of books just waiting to be read, and they are inviting tomes. I think its just been more that I’ve had a hard time making myself...

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    Mettle Moments

    by  •  • LifeHelps • 0 Comments

    Yesterday morning, I was grateful to play hooky from church and just enjoy the quiet of a Sunday morning at home. After my chores, I climbed into a chair at the bar table in the back of my kitchen, opened my journal, and then opened Mark Batterson’s book, “In A Pit With A Lion...

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    Major Winters

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    I mentioned last post that I had made a decision to step away from service at church for a bit. A bit of fatigue certainly contributed to the decision. I think feeling overwhelmed with a lot of noise from life is another. I ended up being so involved trying to be a good servant...

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    by  •  • Dear Diary • 0 Comments

    Last night, I started reading one of a number of short writing books I picked up over the last few months. At the turn of the year, I thought if I read more writing books, I’d write more, so I scoured a few writing book lists from decent sources on the internet for recommends....

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    Ramblings | August 13, 2013

    by  •  • Dear Diary • 0 Comments

    As a change, I’m actually writing this here post at 7 in the morning, as opposed to trying to write it at 11 PM.  It is nice to be up with the feeling that a new day is ahead, and that I am somehow a little less tired than I was 8 hours ago....

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    by  •  • LifeHelps • 0 Comments

    It is timely for me that I picked up Steven Pressfield’s book “Turning Pro” recently, and cracked it open this weekend. A quick read, the book totally spoke to me about where I have been of late. In it, Pressfield readdresses some concepts he introduced in “The War of Art,” about work and getting...

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    Glad for the Guide

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    I was clickety-clacketing away at my keyboard at work today when a co-worker mused, “It’s already the 20th.  Can you believe February is almost gone?”  Yeah, uhh- well, no, I can’t.  The year just started.  It was just yesterday that the old calendar was tossed and the new one was hung.  Well, it was...

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    Breakfast with Brad

    by  •  • LifeStuff, The Meaning of Manhood • 0 Comments

    When I got up on Saturday morning (sorta early), I went to see my friend Brad, and we talked. I hadn’t seen Brad for probably 2 months, and so I hadn’t talked to him since before Christmas and New Years and Kwanza and my mom’s birthday.  Brad looked great, and yet  the same to...

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