• Posts Tagged ‘freedom’

    The Randomizer

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    I recently watched a TedTalk video given by Max Hawkins, a guy who at one time lived a fairly rigidly structured life. Because he was a person of discipline, he meticulously scheduled his time, and by living according to this schedule, being in firm control, he came to feel he was living a bit...

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    Partial Eclipse

    by  •  • FlashBacks, LifeStuff, Writings • 1 Comment

    I try to recall how I ended up dancing that distant dance those years with you Come pray with me you asked I will pray with you I replied And so we met plainly cordially quietly in the library and muttered wishing words asking for youthful and holy and grand and kind things and...

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    Psalm of the Solvent

    by  •  • Writings • 0 Comments

    Blessed is the man who pays his debts, known and unknown, whose thoughts remain on keeping a clean slate and correct books and remaining daily in good standing and not inviting time in the prison. He lives for more than for what he hungers and submits his wants to his needs, and submits his...

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    Comfort Cage

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 2 Comments

    It’s a funny thing. You write because you want your thoughts and your ideas to be shared, to be enjoyed. You want to express your mental machinations and maybe share an insight or two on life and things going on in the world. And you create a platform- a blog- to do just that,...

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    Positive Christianity

    by  •  • GraceThoughts • 0 Comments

    I’ve had several good conversations with a work colleague this week about Christianity, and how it should impact a life. These conversations grew out of some reflections I had talking with a friend and also from considering the experiences shared by others I have known that felt similarly: Christianity is negative. The key complaint...

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    The Five Stages of Grace

    by  •  • GraceThoughts • 0 Comments

    Appreciative of systemists like James Fowler, I offer here an artificial framework for thinking about grace. Recognizing that God and His workings are mysterious, this post in no way suggests that I have “figured out” how God sprinkles His grace into the events of human lives. When He does, though, this article suggests how...

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