• Posts Tagged ‘guilt’

    The Scam

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    I had an internal crisis this week that was a good wake-up call in a few areas. I received a phishing email very early Thursday morning that claimed that a hacker had accessed my hard drive through a compromised email account, and that the intruder had planted malware on my computer that would share...

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    Christmas, By the Book

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    It’s Christmas, so it’s as good a time as any to think about the holiday, and what it means to me. It is, after all, besides a commercial boon, a religious holiday, focused on the birth of a child according to a very popular book, who was all human and, at the same time,...

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    Ramblings | April 14, 2014

    by  •  • Dear Diary • 0 Comments

    While overall today was a well executed day, it was also a challenging one. I started the day working off of my newest to-do list, which I am trying to incorporate into my life because I so often need help getting things done, and I had two items on it that were going to...

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