• Posts Tagged ‘poverty’


    by  •  • LifeStuff • 1 Comment

    After I drove into the lot and parked this morning, I got out of my truck and fumbled around trying to drape my backpack on my right shoulder while holding a phone and a coffee mug in one hand and a folder of papers and a lunch bag in the other, and the backpack...

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    Ramblings | April 9, 2014

    by  •  • Dear Diary • 0 Comments

    Today was a good day, and by all accounts, it felt that way from the get go this morning- despite another cat gift found in the front room. After dressing, I discovered that French Roast in the coffee maker is actually a blend that I like (with French Vanilla). At work, I felt like...

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    by  •  • Dear Diary • 1 Comment

    In some seasons of my life, it can feel like being is divided into three layers. On the surface is the layer of action, where the day to day bustle of life happens. In the innermost one, people meet and share their souls, and find camaraderie and sympathy and compassion, and it’s there they...

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