• Posts Tagged ‘terror’


    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    It was nice to wake up this morning to gray skies blanketed over a strong flurry of falling snows outside. It was another true winter day, which I find a really enjoy as an alternative to our prevalent good weather in Albuquerque. Before I awoke to see the snowy skies, though, I was sitting...

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    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    The last two days, there was some buildup online and on local TV about a big storm that was coming though today. I got up as usual and worked from home in an overcast day. Around ten, a light flurry arrived and tiny snow swirled out my back door. At 1:40, when I needed...

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    II • When the Bough Cracked

    by  •  • A Short History of Love • 0 Comments

    It’s always a precarious thing to wade back into our memories. When time passes and life batters us by waves of experiences, it’s easy to lose clarity about the things that have happened to us- especially those that happened long ago from where we are now. What we cannot remember clearly, we forget. And...

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