• Quick Hits | Tuesday, September 4, 2012

    by  •  • Dear Diary • 0 Comments

    Morning Butterfly

    My day started out after I left for work with a stop for gas, and at the station I was greeted by this incredibly vivid butterfly. It was sitting on a short wall near a pump and looked so out of place. After checking it out for a few, I moved it to a plant away from the gas pumps. It was an amazing surprise to see.

    Morning Butterfly 2

    I went on to work with some apprehension because two projects sat in front of me, neither of which seemed finishable in a timely manner. My boss was out for the day, so I emailed him and let him know of my frustrations. He told me to put aside the one I was most frustrated with, and to just start on the second one, the one I had not been working on. By the end of the day, the second project was done. Tomorrow I go to work having to deal with the original unsolvable one, but at least the other one is out-of-the-way, and one client will be happy. Thank heavens for small mercies.

    I’d like to say I am less tired today, but I am not. I went to bed fairly early last night, but I woke it in the middle of the night for a spell, and then early this morning. I have been dealing with Golfer’s elbow in not just one arm, but in both arms. And some of the muscle discomfort I’ve dealt with in the past also resurfaced today. My friend Gwen, a physician, told me to get some sublingual B-12 tablets. She said if my stomach is too acidic for some reason or I am having absorption problems, I am probably not getting enough B-12, and that shortage impacts muscle and nerve functions. Something definitely seems to not work from time to time. These muscle ache and tired phases are cyclical. But they seem to come back around.

    Blah blah blah.

    I came home tonight with some more work I wanted to get done, but, naturally, I open the door into the house, and I am tired.

    I did read the book of Ruth. What a sweet story. I was reminded that Ruth was David’s grandmother. Ruth probably got to see young David go from shepherd boy to Israel’s hero. All because this Moabite widow clung to her mother-in-law and came with her to Judah, instead of letting go and heading back to her clan and country.

    I appreciate the fact that within God’s plan, there is at times a quaint and touching serendipity that allows the plain or the nondescript or the unsung to take center stage and be the focal point of God’s grace. God’s plan is regularly linked together by seemingly unconnected and often unimpressive people who become the parents or grandparents of heroes and judges and kings- and they ended up becoming so because of small choices, and small yields to a push or pull by God’s spirit.

    I appreciate that God celebrates the presence of- in our eyes- unremarkable people in the history of Israel and in His overarching plan.

    This reminds me that, to God, there are no unremarkable people, and at any time, a ho-hum life can blossom to be a showcase of His goodness and grace.

    I did have a moment today when I found myself thinking about G., and then about other gals I have been sweet on, and I had this overwhelming sense that romantic love is a game, and that I am too ill-equipped to ever win in it. For a moment I started to go down the pity-and-panic track, until a voice inside reminded me that if I am His, and I trust Him, He will make something happen if He wants it to. Someone out there will be intrigued and entertained enough by my to draw near, and as I would hope it goes, as He speaks to her heart, she knows it is right for us to be together. I have to take this tack because a) I don’t think I have it in me to try any more to try and captivate and then hook a gal on my own, and b) if I am really all in, trusting Jesus as my Lord, I need to give that area to Him ad let Him fill it when and how He desires.

    Okay. Same old. I need to go to bed.

    The Cubs lost tonight. But they did set a record doing it. They have used the most players on their roster (52) within this year than they ever have before in the history of the Cubs organization. In other words, they have plugged in, played, and pulled a lot of players to rack up the few wins they have grabbed this season. It’s a season for trying combos, and retooling, I guess.

    I guess in life, in love, and in Cubs baseball, the rule is the same- “In Theo We Trust.”


    A web programmer by day, I somehow still spend a lot of time thinking about relationships, God, and the significance of grace and love in daily events. I am old school in the sense that I believe in the reality of sin, and in the need of each human heart for deliverance to the Divine. I am one of those who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that you can find most answers to life's pressing issues in Him and His Word, the Bible. I ain't perfect, and a lot of the time I ain't good, but by God's grace and kindness, I am forgiven and free.

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