• Don Deals

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    I don’t have anything special tonight, so I thought I’d just pass on an article by an old friend who is on the radio in Seattle these days.

    We’re different people now, Don and I. We knew each other in high school, during a year when he was getting ready to leave Eldorado, and I was set in the saddle riding through it.

    He was a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes (as was I), and he was also the guitar guy/worship leader the year we were involved in it together. He was a big, giant of a guy- respected, followed. As he still is today. I was another teenager trying to find my way in life then, and happy to feel a sea of acceptance and love at F.C.A., where a lot of notable Eldorado kids ended up spending a night together singing praise songs and hearing teachings about Jesus once a week.

    We weren’t super close, Don and I, but I always thought a lot of him. He was kind to all us kids, and was authentic in his faith and friendliness.

    And F.C.A. was awesome at that time in Albuquerque in 1984.

    And so was Don.

    We all grow up. We all have wounds. Life doesn’t leave a one of us alone, untouched or unscathed.

    Not even the giants.

    Don and I have shared a few words on a few posts on Facebook over the last decade or so. Not much. He’s busy with his life up there, doing what he does on the airwaves and with people. I’m me. I look for the comfort of a quiet cave most days. He is a bit of a celeb up there in Seattle. I am pretty much a social slacker in my own hometown. But, at least I know from his story shared below that we still hold some common ground.

    We’ve both had our long struggles with shame- that grandest of social sicknesses that shrinks a stricken soul.

    One of Don’s greatest gifts is that he has moments where he lets everything down and just tells things like they are for him. Moments of authenticity and humility, like in this article.

    That is a gift that helps others find encouragement through his trials, and hope through his triumphs.

    Here’s wishing you strength and support as you continue to “dare greatly”, Don. You know when you do something, others follow you doing it as well.

    Your courage gives others courage.

    Thanks for the reminder that fighting the fight is the only way through a lot of this life junk.

    Not numbing to it. Not running away from it.

    Like water, love has a knack for best settling in to low and available empty spaces.

    Read Don’s Story Hear: http://mynorthwest.com/779545/my-53-year-old-family-secret/


    A web programmer by day, I somehow still spend a lot of time thinking about relationships, God, and the significance of grace and love in daily events. I am old school in the sense that I believe in the reality of sin, and in the need of each human heart for deliverance to the Divine. I am one of those who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that you can find most answers to life's pressing issues in Him and His Word, the Bible. I ain't perfect, and a lot of the time I ain't good, but by God's grace and kindness, I am forgiven and free.

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