• Posts Tagged ‘quiet’

    Afternoon Walk

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    It’s been a melancholy day all day, so after a morning of doing little, I went for what I thought would be a short walk this afternoon in the Bosque down by the river. It became a 3 hours shuffle amidst sunlight and silence, but at least it produced a few photos. The bike...

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    Monastery Lake Break

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 1 Comment

    If you head north from Albuquerque toward Santa Fe and stay on I-25, bypassing the capitol city, and then take the Glorieta exit, you are headed towards the town of Pecos. Once you are in Pecos, make a left at the main intersection onto NM 63 and roll past the Catholic Church, up the...

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    Camping at Tajique

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 1 Comment

    This weekend I wanted to celebrate the arrival of spring with a night out camping somewhere, so on Saturday afternoon I consulted my little New Mexico campgrounds book for locales near Albuquerque. One chapter focused on campgrounds east and southeast of Albuquerque- locations within an hour of the city, behind the Manzanos. Among the...

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    The White Winter Sky

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    Whenever winter occasionally visits Albuquerque and dulls and bleaches the sky, I am regularly transported back to a few specific memories from my Chicago days. You know- those stills that get burned into our heads of particular moments, particular images. When I lived in the city, after my brief attempt at marriage failed, I...

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